CTF Writeups

This repository contains the cumulative sum of all CTF competitions I have personally joined either as part of a team or as a solo player. All codes/works by me are licensed under the AGPLv3 license. In a nutshell, it's okay to steal my code but give a little credit to me ^_^.


This are all the CTF competitions I have participated in chronological order. Ranks/Scoreboards are as accurate as I could get them.

CTF NameRanked
GryphonCTF 20162/19
PicoCTF 201723/12737
PACTF 201716/840 Bartik 33/838 Boole
HSCTF 201776/1055
CrossCTF 20174/57 Qualifiers 7/19 Finals
CSAWCTF 2017174/1444 Qualifiers
EasyCTF 20182/1791 Finals