EasyCTF_2018: Soupstitution Cipher

Category: Reverse Engineering Points: 70 Description:

We had a flag, but lost it in a mess of alphabet soup! Can you help us find it? Connect to the server via nc c1.easyctf.com 12484.


This challenge is just obfuscation of simple functions. A closer look at the code reveals that someone likes soup a lot, to the point of changing almost every word to soup but essentially, the code can be boiled (pardon the pun) down to

for codepoint in range(2**16):
    c = chr(codepoint)
    if c.isdigit():
        print(u'{}: {}'.format(functionA(c), c))

The key to solving this, is to understand that digits consist of unicode characters. Since the function used to convert the characters to digits are purely base10, we can do a bit of overflowing to achieve 10 digits with only 7 characters.

Before that, we will need to convert our s0up to a number we want to work with and by throwing it through hexlify and both functions, we get the number 2365552391. Now it's a matter of getting the codepoints.

Now, the challenge becomes a guessing game on the perfect combination of uncodes that would add up to the number. There could be an automated way to solve this but I was too much too tired to solve this automatically.

- 2358
-     0
-      0
-    7209
-     3001
-      3387
-       9421

After a long time of bruteforcing, and a certain bird's whispers, the challenge arrived at ⓽൫௩᱙00०. Additionally, as it's reversed, the actual input has to be ०00᱙௩൫⓽.

Attempting to submit it, gives us the flag,

# nc c1.easyctf.com 12484
oh yay it's a flag! easyctf{S0up_soup_soUP_sOuP_s0UP_S0up_s000000OOOOOOuuuuuuuuppPPppPPPp}

Therefore, the flag is easyctf{S0up_soup_soUP_sOuP_s0UP_S0up_s000000OOOOOOuuuuuuuuppPPppPPPp}.