EasyCTF_2018: EzReverse
Category: Reverse Engineering Points: 140 Description:
Take a look at executable. Objdump the executable and read some assembly!
This challenge was great fun and lots of experience was gained in the arts of radare2
. In a nutshell, this program accepts 5 characters as an argument but if any arguments are wrong, it self-deletes. To get around this, I made a patched binary that would not do that :D.
Essentially, of the 5 characters, the fourth character is always k
and the rest are all very strongly tied to one another. An excerpt is shown below,
│ │ 0x0040090e 8b45ec mov eax, dword [local_14h]
│ │ 0x00400911 83f86f cmp eax, 0x6f ; 'o' ; 111
│ │┌─< 0x00400914 7551 jne 0x400967
│ ││ 0x00400916 8b45e8 mov eax, dword [local_18h]
│ ││ 0x00400919 8b55ec mov edx, dword [local_14h]
│ ││ 0x0040091c 83c20e add edx, 0xe
│ ││ 0x0040091f 39d0 cmp eax, edx
│ ┌───< 0x00400921 7544 jne 0x400967
│ │││ 0x00400923 8b45e0 mov eax, dword [local_20h]
│ │││ 0x00400926 8b55f0 mov edx, dword [local_10h]
│ │││ 0x00400929 83ea0a sub edx, 0xa
│ │││ 0x0040092c 39d0 cmp eax, edx
│ ┌────< 0x0040092e 7537 jne 0x400967
│ ││││ 0x00400930 8b45e4 mov eax, dword [local_1ch]
│ ││││ 0x00400933 83f835 cmp eax, 0x35 ; '5' ; 53
│ ┌─────< 0x00400936 752f jne 0x400967
│ │││││ 0x00400938 8b45f0 mov eax, dword [local_10h]
│ │││││ 0x0040093b 8b55ec mov edx, dword [local_14h]
│ │││││ 0x0040093e 83c203 add edx, 3
│ │││││ 0x00400941 39d0 cmp eax, edx
│ ┌──────< 0x00400943 7522 jne 0x400967
│ ││││││ 0x00400945 bf660a4000 mov edi, str.Now_here_is_your_flag: ; 0x400a66 ; "Now here is your flag: " ; const char * format
Additionally, there is tricky above that adds offsets to all integers, according to their placements,
│ │ 0x00400881 c745e0010000. mov dword [local_20h], 1
│ │ 0x00400888 c745e4020000. mov dword [local_1ch], 2
│ │ 0x0040088f c745e8030000. mov dword [local_18h], 3
│ │ 0x00400896 c745ec040000. mov dword [local_14h], 4
│ │ 0x0040089d c745f0050000. mov dword [local_10h], 5
As such, by running the command with our full argument, we get our flag,
# ./executable_patched g3zkm
Now here is your flag: 10453125111114
Therefore, the flag is 10453125111114