CSAWCTF_2017: Orange V1
Category: Web Points: 100 Description:
I wrote a little proxy program in NodeJS for my poems folder. Everyone wants to read flag.txt but I like it too much to share. http://web.chal.csaw.io:7311/?path=orange.txt
This is a challenge on directory transversal attacks, with the focus on encoding the payload such that attacking it requires a double-encoded payload.
Our original attempt at http://web.chal.csaw.io:7311/?path=../
immediately responded with WHOA THATS BANNED!!!!
. This led me to believing that ..
is banned. So, to bypass this, all we have to do is double encode the .
to %252e
. Navigating to http://web.chal.csaw.io:7311/?path=%252e%252e/flag.txt
gives us the flag.
Therefore, the flag is flag{thank_you_based_orange_for_this_ctf_challenge}